Now, D&D in the end is a simulation. We can describe things as they
appear in the real world, one person is 5' 3" and another person is 8' 2",
but in the end we cannot hope to describe every single nuanced detail
when things devolve into combat. So we have normal, every day, running
around in a normal appearing "reality", and then we have combat space.
space is a term I use to describe combat in D&D. The term does not
exist in any book in the game, but it exists none the less. It exists in
every role-playing game to some extent, but is no more self-evident
then in D&D 3.5. Now it has long been "proven" that pi equals 4 in
D&D, but that is not entirely correct. The fact is that pi CHANGES
to 4 when we enter combat space, then returns to 3.14-blah-blah-blah
when combat ends. This is a factor of entering a simplified version of
"reality" where combat outcomes can be better represented by random
number generation and calculation. If we were to actually work things
out, we'd need a supercomputer and several weeks, just to calculate the
long term change in ambient temperature every time a frickin' fireball
went off.
The problem is, this does have unfortunate side effects
on reality when you simplify the fundamental laws of physics. Strange
things occur, like the classic conundrum of pi becoming 4. Everyone and
everything becomes a five foot, by five foot, by five foot cube. As a
matter of fact, since adding the third dimension becomes such a hassle,
most people simply choose to ignore it entirely in combat space. Now, as
a DM, your job is to work in combat space, yet some how convert it back
to a "reality" model that the players can understand. So let's
understand combat space.
When we go from "reality" to combat
space, the world is reduced to 5 foot cubes. These cubes have
properties. One cube might have empty space with the property of
"terrain". Another cube has "Slope - 2 movement to enter". Perhaps the
cube over here has "Medium sized creature - Lower half" whereas the cube
above it has "Medium sized creature - upper half". When the medium
sized creature cubes try to enter the cube with the slope, and the cubes
fail a tumble check, the two Medium Sized cubes collapse into one cube
with a new property "Medium Sized Creature - prone" and we must
determine if the "Medium Sized Creature - prone" remains in the cube
with the slope property or in the cube before it, cube "Empty terrain".
as a DM, looking at the world like this is NOT FUN. There is nothing
dramatic or exciting about a series of cubes moving in, on, through, or
around each other. Cubes like to bump into each other, attempting to
reduce the hit point property of another cube to -10, or sometimes
shout, "Screw this noise" and try to sneak into the back room so it can
try and put the moves on the cube "Wench - charisma 15". But that IS
what D&D combat is.
So, as a DM, your first step is to take
reality and turn it into a bunch of cubes WITHOUT THE PLAYERS KNOWING.
This is why walls have no width. When you are inside a building and
outside a building, there is a five foot cube on both sides that you can
move along, even if the wall in between is 2 feet thick. It's just that
both cubes share a side with a property that is "Wooden Wall -
Hardness: 2, HP: 20". And usually we don't care about that unless
someone tries to power attack the wall to burrow through or some such
nonsense. The funny thing is, even though we put down grids and put
figures on the grid, the players almost never see the cubes. In fact,
putting out figurines often helps the players to AVOID seeing the cubes.
The power of imagination is a wonderful thing. YOU need to work hard to
make sure the players never see the cubes.
You need to see those
cubes, however. This is the hard part of combat space. In your head,
you must convert things into cubes, perform your calculations, then turn
them BACK from cubes into "reality", explain what the players
experience, then ask for the next action, where everything turns BACK
into cubes, you run your calculations, then the process starts all over
The internet may be a series of tubes, but DMing is a series of cubes.
see, combat space isn't a static place you "enter" until combat is
over. Combat space is something you jump into and out of repeatedly.
Most DMs understand "combat space" even if they don't have a formal term
for it. But few DMs have the skill to rapid fire switch back and forth
between "reality" and "combat space" that is needed to properly
entertain the players. Speed kills in D&D combat, but taking too
long in D&D combat kills the fun. You can stay in combat space for
just the NPCs, but every time a player takes an action, you need to come
out of combat space and enter "reality". Skimping on this will ruin
your player's enjoyment. It might be easier for you to skimp on
converting back and forth, but it kills the illusion. Still, sometimes
you might need to stay in combat space for a while, because the cubic
interaction can get rather intense, and skimping on the calculations can
lead to mistakes and mistakes can kill the illusion just as fast. We
will address techniques for this in another lesson.
This is why I
cannot stress enough to DMs who want to reach the next level of being a
DM of D&D 3.0/3.5 to adopt the "Cubic Combat Space" Model. For you,
the game is nothing more then a bunch of cubes, but the simplification
that comes with viewing the game as a series of cubes makes the process
move so much faster as you avoid getting bogged down in details. In
fact, I would go so far as to say the game was DESIGNED as a series of
cubes, the original creators just never formally came out and said it.
Likely for the very same reason I'm telling you never to describe the
game to your players in this format. Once you accept the Cubic Combat
Model, it's hard to ever see the game the old way again.
example, take the issue of 'Higher ground". Higher ground is a +1 bonus
to hit that is granted to players who have the higher ground. What's
higher ground? "Ask the DM" is what the books say, basically. Now YOU
are the DM. You have to figure out what's higher ground. If you are a
player, you start getting bogged down in minute details like, "Is it one
inch? Is it one foot? How about four feet?" Which are all important
questions, because jumping into the air is by the foot, and a player
wants to JUMP into the air high enough to attack someone in mid jump to
gain the +1 "higher ground" advantage.
Well screw me with a chainsaw.
you are trying to figure this out by looking for an official ruling,
you're going to be hosed. If this
happens in the middle of a game, you are going to waste hours to find
nothing. If you just give benefit of the doubt to the player to speed things up, well,
this time it might be okay, but let me assure you, letting a player have
their way because you feel rushed is a poor long term strategy for
campaign maintenance. So how do we solve this problem? With Cubes!
over the rules, we know that a mounted character has high ground and
someone on a table has high ground. What do these two things have in
common? Well, when a medium creature mounts a large creature, they
combine (like VOLTRON) and become one unit. Well, how high is it? Well,
the large creature is two 5 foot cubes high. the medium creature is 2
cubes high. So... 4 cubes? No. The top cube of the mount has the bottom
cube of the medium creature sitting on it. These two cubes "mingle" in a
fashion, so the over all unit is 3 cubes high.
Now the medium
creature jumps on top of a table. The table is 1 cube high. the medium
creature is 2 cubes high. The two objects do NOT combine, being one is
terrain and one is a unit. So we can assume that the top of the medium
creature is now effectively 3 cubes high. We have a pattern. 3 cubes
high over 2 cubes high provides a combat advantage of +1.
Wait a sec? What about halfings and small verses medium creatures? Being smaller is often a combat ADVANTAGE!
but this is the other part of Cubic Combat Theory. You see, the
properties of size have nothing to do with ACTUAL size. Small is a
property. Being one cube high is not. So while to a player this might
seem absolutely INSANE, to a DM, it makes perfect sense. The halfling on
the floor has his +1 to hit medium creatures, and the human on the
table has his +1 to hit the halfling on the floor. From cubic combat
theory, they never interact, because one is a matter of placement of
cubes, and the other is a matter of cubic properties.
This is why DMs have DM screens and don't let players see dice rolls.
a player, if you knew about these conflicting bonuses, you might
complain. From a "reality" stand point, they are in conflict. "How can short be an advantage, but being up high be an advantage, too?"
They might ask. The very act of explaining it will ruin the illusion
you are trying to build. Player enjoyment DEPENDS on the illusion, so
you have to keep the calculations from them, so they don't go, "What the...?"
On the other hand, most players don't WANT to see the calculations.
They want to leap through the air and swashbuckle like Errol Flynn on a
table fighting a horde of evil Halfling assassins.
So remember
it's a tool. You convert things to cubes, calculate, then convert back
as quickly as possible. Describe the situation in flowing descriptive
words to buy yourself some time so you can work out the next cubic
interaction with as little down time as possible, and move onto the
next. When you get the hang of it, it'll move quite smoothly.
How high DO You need to jump?
round up, round down, anything 2.5 feet high is a full cube in height
and anything less then that is a terrain modification, the player would
need to jump 3 feet into the air to gain a "higher ground" advantage, or
make a DC 12 jump check as a move action. However, since he is jumping
up 3 feet, then ending his move, and attacking, he is falling 3 feet as a
free action at the end of his turn. Which means he then needs to make a
DC 5 jump check or fall prone. Normally not an issue, but on rough
terrain or a grease spell, it could become problematic.
Wait a sec... hop up is as "high as my waist" and a DC 10 check.
Hop up has an object you are landing on. Jumping 3 feet into the air does not, thus the 2 points difference in DC.
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