Thursday, July 17, 2014

Initiate of Amaunator (Min/Maxing)

There is a fun little feat called Initiate of Amaunator where you have to become a cleric of this sun god, then "You can spontaneously cast any spell on your spell list that has the fire descriptor."

Nothing states this only applies to divine spells, so it also applies to other classes as well.

Friend, you just read about my new fav one level dip.

Best coupled with the Cloister Cleric, I find that you can dump Fire and Knowledge for the Devotion feats, then keep the Time domain for the Improved Initiative feat. Then follow up with a Wizard or other arcane spellcaster. Suddenly you can ditch any spell for a fire spell of the same level.

Now take the time to buy Energy Substitution (fire). Suddenly, every spell with an energy description can be turned into a fire spell and cast spontaneously. True, spontaneous spells with metamagic are a full-round to cast, but the sheer number of options now available to you are staggering.

Is it OP? Well, it does cost you three feats, and a level dip. Your wizard will never be completely as awesome as a flat out wizard. Plus your damage is now basically fire, the most commonly defended against energy type. You are a very solid caster, but your focus may prove your undoing.

Still, who doesn't love the chance to just watch the world burn?

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